Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ayurveda and lifestyle

Lifestyle changes are necessary indeed.
Health should considered equally..
Ayurveda always believes in healthy lifestyle..
Our daily habits plays main role in our body growing ...
Dincharya(well scheduled day)... this schedule is arranged according our health conditions and helps us to stay fit.

Basics of healthy lifestyle 
  • Sleep 6 to 8hr
  • Hygienic and healthy food 
  • Body enhancing drinks 
  • Good and proper exercise 
  • Mind calming meditation 
  • Satisfying work
 Ayurveda consider to maintain the fitness....rather than curing the disorder ..

There is much more time managing and health beneficial schedule given in ayurvedic sanhitas.
   Ayurveda always up holds the nature..
All the ayurvedic medications are using since decades.
Lifestyle changes affect largely on health.for healthy upbringing every one should focus on daily 

Unhealthy habits 
1 late night dinner 
2 skipping breakfasts
3 eating junk 
4 Drinking water before or after meal ( water should be taken intermittently while eating)
5 Drinking alcohol 
6 skipping nap times 

Such unnoticeable things makes much more effective losses in health 
  • Now some healthy and life increasing habits 
                1 take good sleep 
                 2 wake up early 
                 3 eat healthy breakfast 
                 4 excercises 
                  5 have more fibrous food in lunch which includes vitamins and proteins


Know more about skin explained in ayurvedic sanhitas .

Skin is the most important part of the body and it forms 8% of the total mass of body.  There are several different types of books (sanhita)...