Thursday, May 28, 2020

Know more about skin explained in ayurvedic sanhitas .

Skin is the most important part of the body and it forms 8% of the total mass of body. 

There are several different types of books (sanhita) in Ayurveda who tries to explain the anatomy of the human body in detail.

In Ayurveda unique ideas used to know more about  Human Anatomy which includes an examination of a dead body, Dissection of the cadaver was performed to understand the histological conditions of the body.

In Ayurvedic books, the basic anatomy of skin explained thoroughly in Rachana sharir i.e. structure of skin,its origin, different types ,in that different layers of skin also given.
Skins functions and  its roles are given in kriyasharir, skins physiological aspects i.e. as an indirya and its role in sensation of touch.

 The anatomy of the skin based on light attenuation at different wavelengths converted into corresponding chromophores gave a model which resembles that described in Ayurveda.

Skin (Twacha) - there are different texts about  the skin in Ayurveda and some controversies about skin layers. 

 This layer of skin are produced like scum on milk, when we heat the milk it produces the layers called scum. Exactly like that skin layers are produced while our blood boils ( metabolic heat activity). 

Skin and its layers according to Charak -

 ☆ According to Charak  ( the great father of Ayurveda medicine), the skin was described as six layered organ and explained on the basis of clinical conditions.

1) Udakdhra - first layer of skin.
It holds the water and keep skin hydrated.
Diseases - skin shows wrinkles and gets dehydrated 

2) Asrukdhara - 2nd layer of skin 
It holds the blood and capillaries 
Diseases - capillary anogiona ( vyanga), Nonelevated mole( tilkalaka), Naevi( Nyacha)

3) Tirtiye - 3 rd layer of skin
Its site of sidhma ( dermatitis) and kilas kushta (leucoderma or vitiligo)
Its function is to protect and pigmentation 
Disease - Tinea versicolor  ( sidhma) and vitiligo (kilas kushta)

4) Chaturthi - 4th layer of skin 
Its the site of Dadru (  Ringworm or Tinea corpora) and leprosy 
It protects skin from chronic infections 
Disease  - Tinea corporis ( dadru) , leprosy (Kushta) 

5) Panchami - 5th layer of skin
Its is the site of Alaji ( boil)  and Vidradhi ( abscess)
It protects the skin from acute infections 
Disease - boil , abscess .

6) Sashti - 6 th layer skin 
 Blackish-red in color 
Related to conciousness 
Disease- pian in injuries 

☆ Skin and skin layers according to sushruta - 

The Ayurveda surgeon Shushruta explained seven layers of the skin 

1) Avabhasini -  it is the outer most layer of skin which shows the skin's condition and health of person.
It maintains the health of other layers and of the Ras dhatu ( nutrient fluid ) 
It also illuminates the every shades of the skin.
Diseases - Pityriasis vesicular (sidhma), and padamakantak considered as papilloma.

2) Lohita - Supporting other layers and shows the quality of blood in body. 
Disease - Nonelevated mole ( Tilakalaka ), Naevi ( Nyacha ) and capillary angima ( Vyanga ) 

3) Shweta - this layer balances the skin color.
Disease - Charmadala, Ajagallika, and mashaka

4) Tamra - protects the upper layers and Nurturing.
Disease - Leprosy ( kushtha) and erysipelas (visarpa) 

5) Vedini - 
Its the part of skin which is responsible for sensation.
Disease - Leprosy ( kushtha )and  vitiligo (kilasa)

6) Rohini - this layer heals and work on regeneration of skin 
Disease - Tumor  ( arbuda), filariasis  (shilpada), and goiter (galaganda), sebaceous cyst  (Granthi) lymphadenitis ( apachi )

7 ) Mansadhara - it maintains skin's firmness and supple it 
Disease - Fistulas ( bhagandhar) , abscess (vidradhi) and piles  (arsh roga) .

Name of Twacha (skin layers) in different Ayurvedic texts 

□ Ashtang sangrah -7 layers are described as follows 
1 Udakdhara
2 Asrukdhara 
3 Sidhma
4 kilas 
5 sarv 
6 Kushth Sambhavadhisthan
7 Alaji
8 Vidradhi Sambhavashishthan
9 pranadhra 

□ Sharangdhar - 7 layers are described 
1 Avabhasini 
2 Lohita
3 Shweta 
4 Tamra 
5 vedini 
6 Rohini 
7 Sthoola 

□ Bhavprakash - 7 layers of the skin explained 
1 Avabhasini
2 Lohita 
3 shweta 
4 Tamra 
5 vedini 
6 Rohini 
7 Sthoola

□ Kashyapsamhita also describes 7 layers of skin.
Function of skin ( Twacha) - are as follows 
■ seat fo sparshanendriya
■ bhrajak pitta's seat 
■ skin's six parts cover whole body 
■ root of mamsavaha srotus
■ Illuminates skin shades 

Modern science - ( skin )
Now let's see what modern science says about the skin. 
As we know skin is the largest part of the body
,structurally very complicated and highly vascularised is made up of two layers - 
1 Epidermis 
2 Dermis 

Epidermis- outermost layer of skin 
Made up of stratified epithelium, which consists of five layers

• Stratum corneum - it is called horny layer.  
Made up of two types  of cells Corneocytes and Stratified epithelium cells. In this layer fibrous protein keratin is present.

• Stratum lucidum - Flattened epithelial cells. It contains Eleidin (precursor of keratin) is present. 

• Stratum Granulosum -  it is made up of Flattened rhomboid cells. It is three cells layered. Keratohylin is present in shape of granules 

• Stratum spinosum - it is prickle cell layer. Several (3-5) cells thick. This cell possess spine- like projection. It contains some monocytes 

• Stratum germinativum -  Polygonal cells are there superficially present and Columnar or Cuboidal Epithelial cells in deep. Keratinocytes ans melanocytes are specially present.

[ Important feature of epidermis- is that, it does not have blood vessels. The nutrition is provided to Epidermis  bt the capillaries of dermis]

Dermis  - is the inner layer of skin.  It is a connective tissue made up of dense and stout collagen fibers, fibroblasts and histiocytes. 
Dermis made up of two parts - 
1 superficial papillary layers 
2 Deeper reticular layer 

Function of skin - 
1 protective. 
2 sensory.
3 storage. 
4 synthetic. 
5 regulation of body temperature .
6 regulation of water and electrolyte balance. 
7 excretory function .
8 Absorptive function. 
9 Secretory function. 

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Know more about skin explained in ayurvedic sanhitas .

Skin is the most important part of the body and it forms 8% of the total mass of body.  There are several different types of books (sanhita)...