Showing posts with label How to relate Ayurveda and lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to relate Ayurveda and lifestyle. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How to keep body and mind healthy ? Explained by Ayurveda.

How to keep body and mind healthy , What does Ayurveda say about healthy lifestyle?

Isn't it good to live without medication forever just by accepting some healthy habits. Or take some medicinal plants as supplements rather than medicine.

How to find perfect supplements according to our body need?
Its very easy you just need to categorize your total food intake.. 
How much amount of fat your consuming?
How much amount of protein are there in your food?
Ask such questions to yourself then u will come to know more about your eating habits.
And things provided are always according to bodies need. Body need several factors in different amount 

Health facts we need to know 


How easy is this?
Getting your 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies is as simple as a glass of orange juice, one potato ,one big carrot, 1/2 an avocado, and a pear.

Nutritional diets are the key to build healthy body factors 
You can take salads and veggies in meals 
You can choose healthy munches
Use organic instead of processed or hybrids

7-8 hours 

Men who sleep 7-8 hours a night have about 60% less risk of fatal heart attack than those who sleep hours or less

Always  consider sleep in priorities because brain needs rest for while.
So required hours of sleep can increase our overall performance 


Drinking more than 10 drinks a week almost doubles your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Unhealthy drinking habits may worsen the working of vital organs because human body contains more liquid substances than solids so its necessary to provide healthy drinks to body. 

Plain water with minerals can cleans body dirt considerably than any other preparation 

Consuming alcohol damages physically and mentally 

One should drink 5 to 6 glasses of plain water in a day .
You may add some refreshing ingredients like mint, lemon, orange that will enhance your freshness 

Say no to alcohol because small quantity is needed for body but many people never limit themselves 
Took anything in considerable amount that will help you. if you can't handle the limits about that think that may worsen the scenario than deficiency 

How to handle mental health?

Its always good to do something .
We keep our mind busy in doing things rather than worrying about the things 

Inactive men are 60% more likely to suffer from depression than those who are active. 

Finding passion and working on it makes positive changes in human 

Always decide and start never waste time in thinking of failure 

Men who climb 50 stairs or walk 5 city blocks a day may lower their risk of heart attack by 25%

Only 30% of man's overall health is determined by his genetics 

70% is controlled through lifestyle.

Men live 9 years in poor health  mostly  preventable by making small lifestyle changes. 

Keeping healthy habits makes your body and mind positive and powerful 

This article contains some key words i hope you will all know about that health keeping key words 
  • Food 
  • Sleep 
  • Drinking habits 
These small changes can make you live more and suffer less.

Know more about skin explained in ayurvedic sanhitas .

Skin is the most important part of the body and it forms 8% of the total mass of body.  There are several different types of books (sanhita)...