Showing posts with label Ayurvedic remedies for skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ayurvedic remedies for skin. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2020

How to glow your skin? Explained by Ayurveda.

How to glow your skin?

What does ayurveda suggest about the skin?

How to maintain skin health?

How to enhance the beauty?

Which type of skin i have?

What kind of face packs should i use?

Let's see which face mask gonna suit you ?

(Easy and effective face masks are given at the end of this article ..  share your results and suggestions in  comments)

are the several questions we all must know more about it

Skin is that the most sensitive a part of body it should be handled carefully.

Everyone is beautiful in his own way.
Beauty never depends on the tone.

Our skin contains 5 senses

Ayurveda explain deeply about the skin and its types

According to ayurveda there are 3 varieties of skin.

All kind of skin are depends on the your Dosha(body constitution)

1 vatta skin -

  • Dry and rough
  • Cold to the touch
  • More chances to indicate aging signs
  • Wrinkled skin
Shows quick reactions to skin damaging agents
during this skin type Ayurvedic therapies and products develop moisture within the skin and helps to glow
In vatta oil and moist increasing ingredients are used mostly
Ghrutapan are suggested ( using ghee internally)

Sweet oils must be used.
sandalwood oil,rose oil this varieties of essential oils mixture must be used on sķin

2)pitta skin-

  • Pitta dosha dominating skin are
  • Fair
  • Reddish
  • Freckled
Mostly affected thanks to sun and warmth
Sun burns occurs quickly
Pitta kind of skin more at risk of acne and inflammation
Food that the majority be avoided in pitta skin - oily
Sour, acidic,spicy etc).
Stress and chemicals adverse the skìn conditions

Ayurveda treats this conditions by detoxifying aand cleansing whole body

There are several remedies for the skin burns and acne prone skin in ayurveda

Eat bitter and sweet fruits like grapes, mangoes, organic vegetables

Use light and soft fabrics
Cold treatment should run

3)Kapha skin-

kapha Dosha dominating skin are
  • Smooth
  • Thick
  • Moist
But mostly oily in contact and at risk of large pores

Clogged pores converts into blackheads or whiteheads

Oily skin attracts more dust or dirt and makes your skin dull.

You must avoid oily , sweet food

Must try dry and hot ingredients on skin

Use different forms of scrubs on face gently for removal of dead skin and dirt

What reasonably skin is normal?

The skin which controls oil balance and heals itself


Factors affecting the skin-
  • Your eating habits
  • Sleep patterns
  • Stress levels
  • Medications
  • Exercising habits
  • Hygiene
  • Seasonal allergies
Genetically our skin pattern resembles our mothers skin type

By identifying your skin type and on functioning on it as given below it'll surely solve your skin problems

Which skin routine should be followed?

 According to your skin type you should try the routine given below just for 15 day you would see the changes definitely 

Routine for vatta skin-

1) must use soft and oil based soaps or face wash
2) use moisturizer on face regularly 
3) avoid dry scrubbing and applying harsh chemicals on face
4) use ghruta (ghee)
5) eat sweet and healthy for good skin 
6) use moisturizing face packs like 
Honey + lemon+ raw milk  twice a week 
7) steaming with water and aelo vera 
8) use sweet oils as moisturizers at night (almond or coconut oil)

Ayurvedic and easily available products for vatta skin you must use-

Coconut oil- has fatty acids to protect the gaping in the dry skin

Ghee- clarified butter that makes the skin soft and moisturized 

Honey- has anti-inflammatory properties that heals the skin 

Cucumber & tomato- Helps to hydrate the skin and activate the secretion of sebum oil

Neem leaves- has anti-bacterial properties that helps to treat dry skin
Vatta - Balancing fruits Fruits to eat 
  • Bananas 
  • Mangoes 
  • Melons 
  • Pineapples 
  • Plums
  • Kiwis 
  • Grapes 
 Fruits to avoid: unripe and sour
  • Guava
  • Pears
  • Lychees 
  • Apple  
  • Durian 
  • Persimmon
  • Pomegranate 
  • Unripe banana 

Routine for pitta skin-

 1) refreshing and soothing face wash
2) try natural scrubs with honey once in week 
3) use some ice cubes on face 
4) use natural cooling agents like sandalwood powder, rose water on face by making thick paste
5) use sandalwood oil,rose essential oils as moisturizer 
6) avoid chemical based cosmetics 
7) steaming is neccessary.
8) you can use honey and few drops of lemon as bleaching cream 
9) use rose water as toner 
10) apply almond oil as moisturizer 

Ayurvedic products for pitta skin problems 

Aloe vera 







Foe skin burns 
  • Baking soda 
  • Black Tea
  • Honey 
  • Coconut oil 
Pitta- balancing fruits 

Fruits to eat:
  • Apple 
  • Mangoes 
  • Melons 
  • Ripe pears 
  • Pomegranate 
  • Sweet oranges 
  • Ripe plums 
  • Sweet grapes

Fruits to avoid:
  • Lemons 
  • Grapefruit 
  • Cherries 
  • Papaya 
  • Sour grapes 
  • Peaches 
  • Pineapples 
  • Strawberries 

Routine for kapha skin-

1) use warm and exploitative face washes and soaps 
2) avoid over moisturizers
3) steam  your face with turmeric water (add 2 tsp of turmeric to 500 ml water)
4) use lemon juice and baking soda for cleaning whiteheads 
5) avoid applying greasy ingredients on face 
6) For face washing use Lukewarm water always so that clogged pores can release extra sebum 
7) apply light moisturizer to face before bed as night cream 
( glycerin +rose water + few drops of lemon)

Ayurvedic skin products for kapha skin- 

• gram flour 

• turmeric powder 

• fuller's earth 

• baking soda

• cinnamon powder 

• lemon juice 

Kapha-balancing fruits 
Fruits that pacify kapha ar generally mildly sweet and astringent 
  • Raisins 
  • Dates 
  • Goji berries 
  • Dried mulberries 
  • Papaya 
  • Pomegranate 
  • Apple 
  • Persimmon 
  • Grapefruit 
Fruits to avoid:
  • Oranges 
  • Bananas 
  • Coconut 
  • Mango 
  • Pineapples 
  • Grapes 

 How to open clogged pores? 

Use moong dal (lentil) scrub to open clogged pores . Make thick paste and massage it on face of 5 minutes then let the mask dry for 10 minute and wash it of with lukewarm water 

Some easy and effective skin face masks for glowing skin-

1) make a paste of equal quantities of turmeric and gram flour and use it as a face masks 

2) mix.2 tablespoons aloe vera gel and 1 teaspoon bitter gourd juice. Use it as night treatment 

3) make a solution of 5 tablespoons of cucumber juice and juice of 1 lemon use it as toner , face mist or night treatment.

4) mix. 1 tablespoon coconut oil and 1 drop tea tree oil. Use it to massage your face.

5) mix. 2 tablespoons baking soda, 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder and enough water to make a paste.  Use as face mask. 

6) mix. 3 tablespoons fuller's earth.  3 tablespoons sandalwood powder and enough water. Use as face mask.

Know more about skin explained in ayurvedic sanhitas .

Skin is the most important part of the body and it forms 8% of the total mass of body.  There are several different types of books (sanhita)...